Egyptian Healthy Premium Keto Coconut Flour

This nutritious ingredient is packed with protein and fiber, making it a versatile and healthy choice for all your cooking needs

2,00 $2,25 $

2,25 $

Product Quantity Price per Unit
1000 - 4999 2,25 $
5000 - 9999 2,15 $
10000+ 2,00 $
Information Table
Price Unit Pouch
Dimensions (L-W-H) 18.6 cm - 5 cm - 28.5 cm
Weight 454 gm
0 People watching this product now!

Looking for a healthy and versatile ingredient to elevate your cooking? Look no further than defatted coconut flour. This nutrient-rich flour is not only delicious but also offers a myriad of health benefits that can enhance your overall well-being.

Defatted coconut flour is derived from dried coconut meat that has been pressed to extract the coconut oil. With its high fiber content, this flour acts as a valuable addition to your diet. Fiber helps to promote healthy digestion, aids in maintaining a feeling of fullness, and can even support weight management. By incorporating defatted coconut flour into your recipes, you can easily increase your daily fiber intake.

One of the unique characteristics of defatted coconut flour is its low-fat content. The defatting process removes most of the coconut oil, leaving behind a flour that is significantly lower in fat compared to regular coconut flour. This makes defatted coconut flour a suitable choice for those who are conscious of their fat intake or following a specific dietary plan.

Defatted coconut flour is also gluten-free, making it an excellent alternative for individuals with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. With its light, mild flavor and ability to absorb moisture, this flour can be used in a variety of recipes, including baked goods, pancakes, smoothies, and sauces. It adds a delightful coconut aroma and flavor to your dishes without overpowering other ingredients.

Incorporating defatted coconut flour into your culinary repertoire is simple. Use it as a substitute for traditional wheat flours in a 1:1 ratio or follow specific recipes designed for coconut flour. You can find a multitude of ideas and inspiration from online resources and cookbooks dedicated to coconut flour recipes.

When purchasing defatted coconut flour, opt for trusted brands that prioritize quality and sustainability. Look for organic, non-GMO options that are free from added preservatives or artificial additives.

In conclusion, defatted coconut flour is a versatile, gluten-free ingredient that offers numerous health benefits. Enhance your cooking with this fiber-rich, low-fat flour and enjoy the delightful taste and aroma of coconut in your favorite recipes. Increase your daily fiber intake, support healthy digestion, and explore the endless possibilities of defatted coconut flour in your culinary creations.


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Vendor: Quick Whole

Company: Quick Whole B2B Marketplace